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Finding My Place in God's Global Story

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” -Romans 10:14-15

This passage was one that was recited countless times at the M3 Conference that I recently attended in Houston, Texas. I had heard it numerous times growing up, but it hadn't pertained to me until now.

At the M3 Conference, I had the opportunity to hear from countless missionary doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals over a two-day period of time. They all had the same theme: When you step out in faith, you will face challenges. Thankfully, He is the same God, even when it's not easy. If you take yourself, dedicate your life to what you're passionate about, open your hands, and trust Gods plan, then you will do AMAZING things for the Gospel.

One of the speakers, an OB/GYN who has traveled all over the world, said "It is selfish to pay your own way into missions." When asked what that meant, he said, "Raising support lets people who know that they need to serve in missions, but aren't able to physically go, be a part of your team. It allows Christians to help you advance the Gospel in the darkest places."

I have recently sent out my support letters, and I hope and pray that all of you have received one, and if you would like one, or would like another to share with a friend, please let me know.

I'm trusting that if you aren't able to go overseas, that you will join my team and help me share the love of Jesus in another country. Without you, it isn't possible.

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