Marching Into the Unknown

(Baby Saveerna)

(One of our beautiful sunsets)
**The blog isn't allowing me to upload more than 2 pictures today, but be sure to follow me on Facebook, or join my Mission2Deliver Facebook page for even more updates and pictures.
"What I know for sure is this: Jesus was fully aware when it was His final day on earth, and He spent it washing feet." -Manda Carpenter
Wow...what a month. I honestly don't even know where to begin, as my thoughts are scattered like leaves on a windy day. This month has taken so much energy, emotion, and Jesus, and I'm nervous to see what April holds. March has proven itself difficult, but thankfully we serve the God of breakthroughs.
March started off with learning new clinical skills, welcoming new babies, and preparing for my trip to the state of Washington. My home church in NY sent me a large bag of baby hats and booties, and they have been such a blessing. I love getting to take pictures of all the babies in their hand-crocheted hats. We attended birthday parties, celebrated a new shawarma stand opening in town, held babies, and assisted in teaching a sexual education class at the local middle and high school.
As everyone knows, the coronavirus continues to be a problem, standing in the way of everyday life. My trip to Washington was cancelled, and now we are on community quarantine lockdown. There is a new community quarantine "rule" where only 1 household member is allowed to go out to get necessary items once a week...and you have to have a pass to do so, as there are police roadblocks and checkpoints. The clinic is still up and running, but we have taken great precautions to ensure healthy mamas and babies. We have 0 confirmed cases (as of writing this), but we also have limited testing resources, so that number may not be the most accurate.
I continue to work on my assignments, and I just finished the first 3 parts of my well-woman assignment. Home quarantine is starting to make me go crazy, as we are on day 15 of 29...I think haha. We are making the most of it though...baking, singing, playing games, doing homework, and eating. It is sad that we cannot go to church, to our favorite coffee shops, or even see our friends outside of the clinic, but I'm thankful that Tabuk is taking such precautions to ensure limited exposure to this virus.
Yesterday morning (Sunday Morning) we held a small worship "service" at our apartment, and a few of the Filipina midwives came over to worship with us, even in the humidity. It was a lot of fun, and we ended up going live on Facebook with it, so if you'd like to see our worship session, just friend me on facebook :) I'm thankful that through all of the unknowns, we can still worship Him.
Being honest, the coronavirus worries me, as I am so far from friends and family, and as I am still seeing patients. It also worries me financially, as everyone is starting to panic...which means that my financial support has slowed down. I am continually thankful for those of you who support me financially and prayerfully, and I challenge you to ask the Lord how He would call you to use your money. As you're under quarantine, or not going out as often, I urge you to pray about financially supporting the work that the Lord is doing here as we continue to strive to provide safe and adequate care for these mamas and babies during this uncertain time. It is hard to see missionaries around the world go back to their home country, but I know that this is exactly where God wants me, and I have such a peace about staying here.
As for now, we are continuing to work on assignments, be the welcoming committee for sweet babies, and avoid the sweltering humidity as much as possible. I pray that we look back at these days with thankfulness and smiles on our faces, and that we can focus on Gods faithfulness through this time. Continue to stay safe, practice social distancing, and pray for those in need around the world.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers!