Half-Way to Helping

I want to take some time and thank all of my generous supporters. You all are AMAZING!! I couldn't do this without you, and I'm so blessed by all the people who are willing to financially step up and stand behind my dream of being a missionary midwife.
I just wanted to give an update. I AM HALF-WAY FUNDED!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! It has been amazing to see how the Lord has provided lately, and in the craziest ways!! I am still trying to raise the remaining costs, and currently am in the process of buying the supplies that I need to take overseas.
If anyone has any supplies that they would
like to donate towards my training, PLEASE EMAIL ME AND LET ME KNOW!! I am currently in need of a blood pressure cuff, both a pediatric/neonatal and an adult stethoscope, a fetoscope, and an ultrasound doppler.
Thank you again to everyone who has stood behind me on the beginning of this faith journey. Please pray for peace, strength, and wisdom as I continue to raise money and prepare to go to Tabuk, Philippines.