One-Way Ticket to Missionary Life

"If you believe in a God who controls the big things, you have to believe in a God who controls the little things. It is we, of course, to whom things look 'little' or 'big.'" -Elisabeth Elliot
Well, this morning I bought my plane ticket to the YAY IT'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING!! There have been a lot of emotions that come with going down this "different" path and preparing to serve the people of the Philippines.
I have been making list after list of everything I need to do or pack, and in the middle of all this craziness I realized something: In my stressing out about when I need to get my visa, or how I'm even going to fit everything or afford medical supplies, I am forgetting to trust God with the little things.
It is crazy that I will be flying out of the United States, not entirely sure when I will be back, in 176 days. 176 DAYS!!! The next 176 days are going to be filled with ordering supplies, writing thank you cards, spending quality time with family and friends, and continuing to learn to trust God with the "big" and "little" things.
It's hard to think about what the future holds, and what exactly my life will look like 5 or even 10 years from now, but I know that God has a higher plan and purpose than I could even imagine.
Prayers for peace through this process, raising the remainder of my support, and God to open and close doors would be greatly appreciated!! And thank you again to all of my amazing supporters for graciously supporting me and standing behind my dream of becoming a missionary midwife.