Newest Adventures

This past month has been filled with all sorts of new adventures, breathtaking scenery, tribal villages, and lots of babies! I will include pictures in another post! :)
We had the opportunity to spend a few days in Bugnay at the beginning of the month, which is a village up in the mountains, where a few of our midwives live. It was a 4 hour ride, on top of a Jeepney, up the side of a curvy and bumpy mountain. It was definitely a crazy experience! The views were gorgeously breathtaking, the sticky-rice on a stick was delicious, and we had a really nice weekend spending quality time with a few of our midwives and their families. We were able to attend a church service there, swim in the Chico River, try Halo-Halo, and build meaningful relationships with the people.
I've started working regular shifts at the clinic now, and being at the bottom of the "Midwife food chain", it means that I work a lot of night shifts. We recently learned how to administer injections, so we got to practice on each other. I really enjoy being on AM shift and doing prenatals! I especially enjoy getting to hear the baby's heartbeat through the doppler, and being able to feel the baby is quite an experience. I've been working on getting better at blood draws, and I've gotten a lot better at finding where everything is in the clinic.
One Saturday morning, I was on shift with Bess, SarahBeth, and Brittany. It was quite a treat since we aren't ever on shift together. We had three labors that came in, so I was able to help by charting for one of them. Brittany, SarahBeth, and I all were each assigned a woman to help/observe during her labor and delivery. Two of the women delivered, one before lunch, and one shortly after, and the third ended up needing to be transported to the local hospital. It was a hectic morning, but the sweet cry of a newborn makes it all worth it.
Our apartment is finally coming along nicely, with the roof almost finished. We have some bathroom tiling finished, ceilings in the bedrooms finished, and we hear that the windows are going to go in soon. We have even started making cute wall decorations using old wood for when we move in. We are hoping to be able to move in by the end of April.
Yesterday, we met three pastors from Hawaii who were here for a few days. They spoke at the church we attend, and we got to talk to them for a while after the service. We also were able to spend some time with a great missionary friend of ours, Ashley, who has lived in Baguio for 10 years. She is wonderful, and we don't get to see her often, so spending time with her is always a treat! I was on swing shift (2-10pm) after church, so I went with Brittany and one of our supervisors to a village called Lacnog, which is about 45 minutes away. We were able to do a lot of prenatals, a few postpartums, and a short devotional. It is always nice to see where some of our patients live, and be able to provide care where it's convenient for them.
Lately, the Lord has been reminding me of 2 Corinthians 5:15- "He died for everyone so that those who receive His new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them." When things don't go my way, I'm stressed about something, or I think that missionary life is too hard for me, I'm reminded that I need to stop living for myself. I'm reminded that I need to live for Christ, and that everything I do or say needs to point others to Him. It's hard living and learning in a new culture, with some major cultural differences, but I know that The Lord Will Provide, and I'm encouraged to know that I don't have to go through this journey alone.
Thank you to all of you who continually support me, both financially and prayerfully, as I continue living this exciting Faith adventure!
Prayer requests:
-Continued bonding
-The clinic and our patients
-Having joy in all circumstances
-Being the hands and feet of Jesus
-The apartment to be finished soon
Look for the next post for pictures!