Whispering To My Heart

"If you are seeking what God wants you to do with your time, He will reveal it to you. Just don't be surprised if it is the last thing you ever thought you would do." -Sydney Stephens
Wow. It feels like just yesterday that I was writing about July. It is crazy that we are already in the last week of August. August has been packed full...lots of sweat, babies, homework, learning, and Swiss chocolate. We have two interns from Switzerland staying with us, and it has been a blast learning about their culture, and even the midwifery culture in Switzerland. There have been so many babies born this month, and I welcomed 3 sweet babies into the world within a few days of each other last week.
I have been spending every free moment that I have between shifts working on homework...whether I'm researching different fetal positions, or drawing diagrams of the pelvis, there is always something to keep me busy.
Something that the Lord has really been putting on my heart lately is the phrase: "Be Faithful With the Little, Then Trust." I have mentioned the 1 Kings passage of the widow in a previous blog post, but I marvel, time and time again, at how the widow was so faithful with what she had, and she trusted that the Lord would provide for her. The Lord has been using that story to teach me a lesson:
I attend a wonderful church here in Tabuk, and they have been such a blessing to me as I continue on this Faith adventure. The members of the church tithe weekly, just like in America, as a way of trusting God and helping the House of the Lord continue to do ministry in the surrounding villages. At first, I struggled with this, just giving small amounts here and there because everyone else did. It wasn't until this church became my home, my safe place, my weekly breath of fresh air a few weeks ago, that I really felt the Lord tugging at my heart about tithing. I struggled with it, asking God how He could want me to tithe so much (basically pocket change) to the church when I didn't have an income. I brushed it off, not believing that God could possibly understand...I was stressed enough about fundraising and support, and now He wanted me to tithe?!?! I didn't understand, therefore, I didn't tithe what God had told me to, and I went home. The following Sunday I was stressing about homework, fundraising, and clinic stuff, and at the end of the service it came time for offering. Like usual, I opened my wallet, not really paying attention. The only money I had in there was the exact amount that God had told me to tithe the week before. Not a cent more. It hit me like a ton of bricks.
"Be Faithful With the Little, Then Trust." I heard Him whisper to me.
I love that I am able to help with church ministry, and I am able to see directly how this money is helping the surrounding villages. Children now have backpacks and notebooks for school, young girls now have a safe place to stay so that they can go to school without worry of having to drop out or becoming the next teen pregnancy statistic, families are counseled up in the Lord, and the youth are being discipled to go out and be men and women of God.
If you go to Parkside Bible Church, you may have seen my mission video and heard my mom speak this past Sunday about my time here in Tabuk so far. I'm thankful for each and every one of you, and I honestly wish that you could all see firsthand the impact that your support is making. Your financial and prayer support is not only providing a way for me, but also to my patients, their families, the church, the surrounding villages, and everyone I come in contact with.
I hope that this encourages you to give what you have, being faithful with even the littlest bit. Give first, without worrying how the Lord will provide. Then trust. Trust that He is Faithful and that He will provide. What difference could we make for the Gospel if everyone decided to give to those around them, hosting dinners of positive fellowship, taking someone who is struggling out for coffee to talk, or bringing someone a meal and letting them know that you care. What about paying for the person behind you in line, or donating your time and money to a cause that the Lord has laid on your heart? Supporting missionaries is always a great way to make sure that your support is being used, 110% of it, to support communities and villages in the name of Christ. Don't hesitate to be the hands and feet of Christ.
As I look out at the setting sun reflecting off the rice fields, the carabao grazing in the distance, the barefoot children playing with rocks and sticks nearby, and the sound of music from somewhere down the street, I'm thankful for this opportunity and place to call my home away from home. Thank you again for all of the support! I love receiving letters, pictures, updates, and messages, so please keep me updated on your lives, and how the Lord is using you and your family during this busy season of life!
Please follow me on Facebook if you would like to see more pictures of my life here in Tabuk :)