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Full Clinic, Full Hearts

All 5 of our 11-22-19 babies

My grandparents, me, and my pastor and his wife

My grandparents enjoying a fresh coconut (buko) at the local open-air market

Baby Eleora Hope...born 11-21-19, weighing just shy of 5 pounds

I decided to donate blood at the local Red Cross last week

Baby Kayla...named after me :) It is always an honor to get to know patients this deeply, and it makes you feel like family

My grandparents and I at the hotel resort they stayed in while they were here visiting

Doing the newborn exam on baby Eleora Hope, checking the stepping reflex while her 4 year old older sister watches

-Let my heart be led by love to be all that you've made me to be-

"I wonder how many Christian people could have their biographies condensed into this line: He lived to make Christ known." -Charles Spurgeon

I sit at the kitchen table, a santa hat on my head, while I stare out at the pouring rain over the rice fields in the distance. "Hark! The Herold Angels Sing" plays softly in the background, and I wonder what the rest of 2019 will hold. How has it already almost been a year that I have been here in the Philippines? I'm blown away by God's faithfulness and how He continues to provide for me while here in the Philippines.

November started pretty normally around here. Within the first week, I welcomed 3 babies in 2 nights, which resulted in major sleep deprivation. Two of the babies, Kriz and Ivan, ended up being transported to the local hospital for some complications, but both are now doing well. I visited them every two days in the hospital to make sure that they were doing well, and receiving proper postpartum care.

My grandparents spent a week with me, and it was so wonderful showing them a glimpse of my life here in the Philippines. I took them to the open air market, some little shops, to my church, and grandma shadowed me in the clinic one day. My grandpa had the opportunity to visit a small village up in the mountains with my pastor, and he really enjoyed getting to see a new side to village life. It was sad to say goodbye, but I am excited to see them again when I go home in a few months.

We had three missionary guests from Taiwan come and spend 6 days with us, and it was great getting to know them and show them what we do in our clinic. The clinic was really slow for the first few days that they were here, but then we had 5 births in 10 hours, and it was a whirlwind of a day as all hands were needed in the clinic. They were able to witness some great things while they were here.

I've personally helped welcome 9 new babies into the world this month, and each one comes with a new excitment and set of emotions. I am so thankful that Jesus shows me His faithfulness is the presence of these sweet families. I am so blessed by all of my patients and midwife co-workers, and I am so inspired by their faithfulness and dedication. We had a situation the other day where all of our clinic beds were full, and we had to make a makeshift bed with a curtain in the admission area for prenatal checkups. As exhausting as extremely busy days are, we are thankful for each patient and their family.

It was very special to have a baby named after me, and I will forever remember this sweet family. Baby Kayla joins her 3 older sisters, and her parents couldn't be more thankful to have 4 beautiful and healthy daughters. The gender was a surprise, so it was very special to watch their faces light up when they realized that they now have 4 daughters. It is always an honor to leave such sweet memories, but I'm pretty sure that they left a bigger impact on my heart.

I decided to donate blood this month, and it went really well. Everyone at the Red Cross was so friendly, and a few of my Filipina friends decided to donate as well, so that was really special. We still play cards almost every night at the clinic, and we enjoy bonding over The Voice on Tuesday nights. I am enjoying see all of my postpartum patients and hearing about how they prepare for Christmas. The town is full of beautiful Christmas lights at night, and the City Hall looks like a palace with all of the colorful lights and trees.

Holiday seasons are hard. I miss all of the holiday traditions with my family, and seeing everyone back home prepare for the holidays breaks another piece of my heart. I am thankful for new memories, new friends to celebrate with, and new babies to welcome into the world. I have received a lot of Christmas cards, from friends and family, and each one brings tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for all of the holiday cheer and encouragement!! I seriously couldn't do this without you.

November has been filled with learning how to be flexible, and to be okay if schedules end up getting changed, or if things happen much later than planned. There have been days where I have spent the entire day helping in the clinic, even if I'm not on shift, and I have to be okay with putting extra things on the side in order to build relationships and finish homework assignments.

Thank you again to all of my wonderful supporters as you faithfully continue to walk alongside me, every step of the way! I am so blessed by you!

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